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Lesson Navigation IconRelational database model

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In order to be able to normalise a relation according to the three normal forms, we must first understand the concept of dependency between attributes within a relation.

Functional dependency:
If A and B are attributes of relation R, B is functionally dependenton A (denoted A --> B), if each value of A in R is associated with exactly one value of B in R.


ID Name
S1 Meier
S2 Weber

The attribute Name is functionally dependent of attribute ID (ID --> Name).

Identification key:
If every attribute B of R is functionally dependent of A, than attribute A is a primary key.


ID Name Surname
S1 Meier Hans
S2 Weber Ueli

Attribute ID is the identification key

Full functional dependency:
We talk about full functional dependency if attribute B is functional dependent on A, if A is a composite primary key and B is not already functional dependent on parts of A.


IDStudent Name IDProfessor Grade
S1 Meier P2 5
S2 Weber P1 6

The attribute Grade is fully functional dependent on the attributes IDStudent and IDProfessor.

Transitive dependency:
If A determines B and B determines C then C is determined by (dependent on) A. We write A --> B and B --> C but not B --> A.


ID Name Konto_Nr Bank_Code_No Bank
L1 Meier 1234-5 836 UBS
L2 Weber 5432-1 835 CS

There is a transitive dependency between Bank_Code_No and Bank because Bank_Code_No is not the primary key of the relation.

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