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Data versus Information

Data (especially computer data):
The presentation of facts, information or concepts which are created in a computer readable form or are translated into such a form.
Information is a useable answer to a concrete question. (ZEHNDER 1998)

Something is information if a specific question is answered and that answer increases the understanding of the questioner and enables them to come closer to a specific objective. (Translation from (ZEHNDER 1998))

Information has the following aspects:

Relationship between Data and Information

The terms data and information are often used interchangeably and in the wrong context. Therefore a list of distinguishing features is presented below

  • Semantic aspects of data are often coded. These codes need to be defined and interpreted after conventions previously agreed upon (e.g. Grades from 1 to 6 with the convention 6 = very good).
  • Generally, information needs to be reconstructed or derived from data (e.g. the average rainfall of the month July over the last 10 years).
  • Normally, data do not contain aspects relevant to applications (e.g. it is not possible to derive information for applications like tax, developement, flood risk, etc. from the coordinates of a parcel of land).
A letter in chinese languageA letter in chinese language

Trying to read a letter in a foreign language, we are able to recognise the structure and the syntactic aspects of it like the paragraphs, sentences, words, etc. but we cannot make out the meaning of the writing.

However, writing in our own language, cannot be called information in every case. At least we might be able to understand the content (termsemantic) but if this content is irrelevant or not interesting to us then the important aspect of the usefulness is missing.

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