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Lesson Navigation IconIntroduction DBS

Unit Navigation IconDefinition of Terms

Unit Navigation IconCharacteristics

LO Navigation IconConcurrent Use

LO Navigation IconStructured Data

LO Navigation IconSeparation of Data and Applications

LO Navigation IconData Integrity

LO Navigation IconTransactions

LO Navigation IconData Persistence

LO Navigation IconData Views

Unit Navigation IconExample Applications

Unit Navigation IconAdvantages and Disadvantages

Unit Navigation IconTasks

Unit Navigation IconSummary

Unit Navigation IconRecommended Reading

Unit Navigation IconGlossary

Unit Navigation IconBibliography

Unit Navigation IconMetadata

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Characteristics of the Database Approach

The database approach has some very characteristic features which are discussed in detail in this unit.
In the unit Example Applications the use of databases in different fields is presented and according to these examples the most important features of the database approach revised.
A comparison between the file based approach and the database approach can be found in the unit Advantages and Disadvantages.

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