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Lesson Navigation IconSuitability analyis

Unit Navigation IconDecision support with GIS

LO Navigation IconSuitability analysis with the help of suitability maps

LO Navigation IconSpatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS)

LO Navigation IconDecision Support with multiple criteria

LO Navigation IconDecision support for multiple objectives

LO Navigation IconDerivation of the criteria for suitability analysis

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GITTA/CartouCHe news:

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Derivation of the criteria for suitability analysis

For this job, put yourself in the role of a scientist with the task of carrying out a multi-criteria analysis to determine potential habitats of the wolf in the municipality of St. Gittal. Your task is to determine the criteria for the desired areas using different sources. Study the two texts below:

  1. KORA: Dokumentation Wolf (KORA 2005)
  2. Facts: "Die Räuber kommen wieder" (Baumgartner 1995)


Write up at least three criteria for the characterization of potential wolf habitats in the community of St. Gittal. Each criterion should be represented in a spatial data layer. From all layers, the overall suitability should be calculated. From where you will obtain the data is currently not a concern.

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