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Case study: Habitat analysis in the Swiss National Park

Introduction: What is the guiding principle of this case study?

The Swiss National Park would like to install new, visually appealing information boards for the visitors. These information boards should show potential habitats for different animal species and give background information about the animals. To provide a range of displays to choose from, your task is to:

  1. spatially and quantitatively capture the potential habitats of two species of your choice using a Geographic Information System (GIS)
  2. prepare your results as thematic maps for the information boards
  3. present your approach and results at an interim and a closing event.

Preparing the interim and final presentations you will see that alternatives exist for solution strategies, data processing and data preparation. You will learn to critically discuss the different results and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of individual strategies. In addition, you will learn to defend your findings and answer critical questions in a discussion setting.

Learning Objectives

  • Critical examination of a simple problem-based task and identification of the main questions and goals of that task
  • Identification, selection, combination and application of GIS functionalities
  • Preparation of (GIS based) task plans and work process diagrams
  • Conversion of processed GIS data into thematic map products for information boards
  • Presentation of results
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