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Lesson Navigation IconSpatial Change Analysis

Unit Navigation IconSpatial Distribution Analysis of Change Indices

Unit Navigation IconSpatial Dynamics Modelling

LO Navigation IconProperty changes in space

Unit Navigation IconSpatial Dynamics - Discontinuous case

Unit Navigation IconSpatial Dynamics - Continuous case

LO Navigation IconSpatially dependent diffusion

LO Navigation IconNon-spatially dependent diffusion

LO Navigation IconAccessibility and movements in space

LO Navigation IconIllustration with the movement of a walker

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Spatially dependent diffusion

In the termspatially dependent diffusion process, it is assumed that the spread is spatially continuous from one or several sources. termContagious expansion diffusion: where the spreading phenomenon has a source and diffuses outwards into new contiguous areas, like wildfire or diffusion of innovation or an infectious disease.

Principle of contagious expansion diffusion at successive moments of time                             Principle of contagious expansion diffusion at successive moments of time

termRelocation diffusion: where the spread occurs when the spreading phenomena moves into new areas like migration. It could be interpreted as a movement or a travel in space. This specific spatial process will be considered in more details in the next section.

                     Principle of contagious relocation diffusion at successive moments of time. The feature is moving throughout space                     Principle of contagious relocation diffusion at successive moments of time. The feature is moving throughout space
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