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Lesson Navigation IconDiscrete Spatial Distributions

Unit Navigation IconIntroduction

Unit Navigation IconSpatial Dependency

LO Navigation IconIntroduction to unit Spatial Dependency

LO Navigation IconThe concept of spatial dependency

LO Navigation IconThe Join count statistic (at a nominal level)

LO Navigation IconThe spatial arrangement of features

LO Navigation IconEstimate of the number of connections for a random distribution

LO Navigation IconExamples of calculation for three observed spatial distributions

LO Navigation IconThe Moran’s coefficient of autocorrelation (at the ordinal and cardinal level)

LO Navigation IconThe spatial arrangement of zones

LO Navigation IconEstimate of the number of connections for a random distribution

LO Navigation IconExamples of calculation for three observed spatial distributions

Unit Navigation IconSpatial Arrangement

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The spatial arrangement of features

According to the number and the shape of spatial features their adjacency results in many connections, independent of their thematic property. It is thus a question of describing this arrangement in the form of a matrix of adjacencies or graphically as on figure 2.5.

Description of the spatial arrangement of areas through their adjacencies

Identification of the connections Matrix of adjacencies
15 contiguous zones with 19 connections (C) V: number of neighbors of each area
The total number of neighbors is equal to twice the number of connections (C)
Figure 2.5

1.2.4a Context of the null hypothesis

The choice of the null hypothesis expresses the way in which the properties "presence" and "absence" are assigned. From a statistical point of view, it is a question of determining if the study area is regarded as an independent sample (sampling with replacement, free sampling) or dependent (sampling without replacement, non-free sampling). The identification of one of these two situations is important because it will determine the nature of the theoretical distribution with which the observed distribution will be confronted.

A sample is considered independent when one knows a priori the probability p of the property "presence" - and thus of the number of "absence", independently of the situation observed in the area of study. For example, in a geomorphological region including the study area, one could determine that the probability of finding a soil of "good quality" for agriculture is 0.4 (p=0.4, therefore q=0.6), this number being independent of the number of zones having the property "good quality". Potentially, each zone has same probability of 0.4 of being regarded as "good quality", whatever the property already assigned to other zones in the study area. The estimated random theoretical distribution will express this particular situation by considering the parameters p and q.
A sample is considered dependent when the probability of occurrence of the property "presence" corresponds to the proportion observed in the study area. Returning again to the previously considered example, the situation of dependency would correspond to the selection of the n best zones of "good aptitude" for agriculture, among the t potential zones. The estimated random theoretical distribution will thus take into account these parameters n and t instead of p and q.

Generally, in practice, one gives the preference to a situation of non-free sampling if one cannot guarantee that the estimated probability of occurrence for the larger area is the same one as that in the study area. Moreover, the amount of "presence" and "absence" in a study area is generally observable and is thus given.

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